Mar 1, 2010

Publisher's Note:

The Power of His Resurrection

In three weeks, the whole Christendom will commemorate two of the most significant events in history: death and resurrection of  the Son of God, Jesus Christ the Redeemer. It is a narrative of human salvation, truly a narrative in history and beyond history.

Activities are planned to remind us of His unconditional love to mankind that He willingly suffered and underwent a gruesome way to die on the cross that only criminals during those days deserved.

Of equal significance is His resurrection. The Holy Scripture says that Jesus, on the third day, rose from the dead.

If Jesus had not resurrected from the grave, our hope would be in vain. Our promise for eternal life and our eternal destination would be untrue. We would have no hope in the promise of a blessed daily life nor would we have hope in the continual presence of our living Saviour.

But, we have the full confidence in Jesus’ words because He is alive and He has become the truth that He claimed to be.

This is the message for everybody, that despite our being dead to sin, Jesus has rescued and has given us the hope of eternity and being resurrected into His kingdom.

May we truly experience the power of His resurrection as we continue to face the challenges of our  daily life especially during these tough economic times.

Aloha and Mabuhay!

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